little rob's Christmas Trees

our privacy policy & some legal stuff

Our privacy policy and certain legal disclaimers are as set forth below and will remain in effect until changed. We may change any of the following information and policies at any time, without notice. We will publish any material changes on this page. All content of this web site is the sole responsibility of Rob Dillon d/b/a/ little rob’s Christmas Trees.

Privacy Policy

Personally Identifiable Information:  We don’t collect any information, personally identifiable or otherwise, about any visitor to this website.     

Cookies / Tracking:  We don’t use cookies, marketing pixels, visitor analytics or any other tools to track anyone who visits this website. We don’t know who visits this website, or when.  Please note, however, that some third-party websites accessible by links from this website likely use cookies and/or other tracking tools.  These privacy practices are beyond our control.  

Security: We use commercially reasonable and industry-standard security measures to protect this website and the information it provides.  However, no security technology is infallible, so we cannot guarantee that this website will always be free from malware or that it will never be hacked, compromised or expose visitors to malicious code.

Legal Notices & Disclaimers

No Warranties: This web site, and all information available on this website, is provided “as is.” We make no warranties concerning the information presented on this website.   

Limitation of Liability: You use this website at your own risk. Information presented on this website might not reflect the most current state of the subject matter presented. Any information on this website may be changed, improved, or updated without notice.  While we do our best to present honest, correct information, we do not promise that there will never be inaccuracies.  We will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of this website or for damages arising from the use or performance of this website. 

Copyright Notice: Everything presented on this web site that is copyrightable is ©2024 Rob Dillon, d/b/a little rob’s Christmas Trees, all rights reserved. You may download and print information on this web site for your personal reference and other fair use, and may further redistribute such information if accompanied by attribution to little rob’s Christmas Trees. Any redistribution (whether electronically or by hard copy) that fails to conform to the foregoing terms is prohibited without our express prior written permission.

© 2024 Rob Dillon